The New LoFi

Ten Years



It’s time to get silly. I’m sure most of you have heard of these two internet sensations, Kreayshawn and Wallpaper’s hit #STUPiDFACEDD, but I thought I would get all stupid and post this up for those of you who haven’t.

[audio: Whores.mp3|titles=Kreayshawn – Rich Whores]
Kreayshawn – Rich Whores

She’s the Oakland California native that hit the seen with “Gucci Gucci” and has been the 2011 poster child for everything over-the-top d-bag hipster. Will she last? Is she Legit? Is she even talented? I’m not sure that any of that matter, or that she cares. I don’t care. Her shit is fun to listen to, and I’ll keep supporting. Her latest track, “Rich Whores” just got added to my “Gettin’ Ignant” playlist of bumpin’ bass tracks, and it’s one of the funniest pieces of commentary on rich bitches that act like they are poor. AKA Hipsters. “I love my hoes, my hoes in their second hand clothes” …c’mon

[audio:|titles=Wallpaper – #STUPiDFACEDD]
Wallpaper – #STUPiDFACEDD

Ricky Reed, the man behind Wallpaper, is also from Oakland, CA (I suppose this lowest common denominator music has shifter to the leftcoast…) If you are one of the millions of people who have seen his video for #STUPiDFACEDD or heard the track played on the Jersey Shore then you probably would have drawn the same conclusion I did which was that this guy is a total D-bag. Surprisingly, Ricky Reed is actually a quiet spoken smart dude. You wouldn’t know that from listening to his music however (which is mostly rapping about drinking, being drunk, and just generally being stupid). Reeds more being playful with the genre. Satirizing all of the ridiculous trends and expressing it through his music without taking him self too seriously.