The New LoFi

Ten Years

Montevideo Mondays (XV)

I have a friend who half-jokingly says that, as a society, Spain (his mother land) is unable to overcome the shoegaze, a style that lots of bands of that country master with grace. Sometimes I tend to think that the uruguayan scene has something similar with the post punk, a genre that defined some of the most popular bands of this place. Sometimes, the feeling is not so funny, but actually depressing: too dark, too angry, too focused on the past, too closed to anything new, too hostage of a systematic despise for anything that sounds barely actual. Too predictable in its forms. Too uncapable of defying himself.

Enter Iván y los Terribles, a band that is presenting its debut with a noise-punk approach with no concessions to the listener but, at the same time, a somehow more relaxed approach to their music and a not-so-repetitively-nihilistic attitude. In some way, they manage to combine their violent, dirty sound, with something that conforts the listener despite its freaky and weird nature, and the balance feels good. At its best moments, Iván y los Terribles sounds with the kind of attitude and life pulse that will be well received in any venue-bar of the world.

“Blixa Bargeld we´re calling you”, says the singer in the last verse of the record, somehow pointing an influence that can guide you through a very intense and compelling first effort. I´m just starting with this record but still at this point I can recommend you a mind-hygienic discharge of Iván y los Terribles anytime you need something powerful and capable of providing that effect without being “more of the same”. Believe me, when a montevidean band does meaningful music this way, it can deliver. It also gets way much better with a second hearing.

Please make sure to check Iván y los Terribles on their bandcamp page for a complete hearing of “Los incautos nunca fallan”, their first record.