The New LoFi

Ten Years

Montevideo Mondays (XVI)

If disonance, some tendency to go to more noisey sounds and a more intellectual-faced approach are common signs of lots of emergent bands in Montevideo, the scene has many things going on around in other genres where people are also reaching good heights. That is the case of El Niño Que Toca Fuerte (the kid who plays hard), a simple project based on the combination of the most radio-friendly pop rock of the 90´s and folk that doesn´t pretend to be more than what it is: a project for songs that try to befriend as much ears and souls as possible with some subtle hooks and a proper voice. Maybe in that way, El Niño que Toca Fuerte is a sort of unconventional act that trying to make itself a way in the crowdy local scene with some well known weapons. Time will tell if pieces like “Nuevo” can evolve to something bigger, although they already prove in its sound that they may have a good shot.

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