Tape For A Stranger: Volume I
“I need you to hook me up with some more music.”
After a weekend card-collecting at a local ‘Industry Festival’, I found myself completely disillusioned with the music industry. Were we all just chasing the elusive concoction necessary to make social media alchemy? Turning our bland selves into golden brand selves? Buzzword chasers? I felt devastated. Is artistry positioned on the opposite pole as profitability? Why the fuck am I doing this?
Buried deep in a sea of PR mails, a stranger from many years past had placed a single letter. A simple request: more good music. Yes, the beacon that drew us all into music blogging. Simply sharing good music. Indie Shuffle already sounded off on music premier culture, and as the suits become more invested in the underground, we must burrow a little deeper.
Here’s my response to that stranger from the internet: A mixtape series dedicated to people like yourself. The one’s who get a kick out of finding new music. That’s how the whole blogosphere started, and somewhere at the center of this monstrous snowball hellbent on demolishing the music industry lies that little peanut of curiosity. The heart of why we do this.
Tape For A Stranger – Volume I
[audio:https://thenewlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/The-Arcs-Lake-Superior.mp3|titles=The Arcs – Lake Superior]The Arcs – Lake Superior
[audio:https://thenewlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Deerhunter-T.H.M..mp3|titles=Deerhunter – T.H.M.]Deerhunter – T.H.M.
[audio:https://thenewlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Unknown-Mortal-Orchestra-So-Good-At-Being-In-Trouble.mp3|titles=Unknown Mortal Orchestra – So Good At Being In Trouble]Unknown Mortal Orchestra – So Good At Being In Trouble
[audio:https://thenewlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Somewhere-Underwater-Spring-Kills-My-Energy.mp3|titles=Somewhere Underwater – Spring Kills My Energy]Somewhere Underwater – Spring Kills My Energy
[audio:https://thenewlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Unouomedude-Frequency.mp3|titles=unouomedude – Frequency]unouomedude – Frequency
[audio:https://thenewlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Still-Parade-07_41.mp3|titles=Still Parade – 07:41]Still Parade – 07:41
[audio:https://thenewlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Grounders-Vyvanse.mp3|titles=GROUNDERS – Vyvanse]GROUNDERS – Vyvanse
[audio:https://thenewlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Mac-DeMarco-Another-One.mp3|titles=Mac DeMarco – Another One]Mac DeMarco – Another One
[audio:https://thenewlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Jons-Short-Swim.mp3|titles=Jons – Short Swim]Jons – Short Swim