Russian Torrent Versions
I just discovered the record label Russian Torrent Versions. It’s the sub-label of Ron Morelli’s Long Island / Brooklyn based label Long Island Electrical Systems (aka L.I.E.S.). Russian Torrent Versions is not mainstream by any means, but they are getting behind some pretty sick artists and putting out some tight tracks. Also: “Russian Torrent Versions” is an amazing name for a record label.
The first artist I heard off of RTV is a French producer called Dang-Khoa Chau. He’s best known for his work with Paris label Antinote but I first heard Chau when he was playing under his alias 45 ACP which he uses when producing more straightforward club music.
Check out a few tracks from his latest EP Safe Return below to see what I mean.
[audio:https://thenewlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/45-ACP-Digital-Content-CCCP20_BIgujQsfV_Q_youtube.mp3|titles=45 ACP – Digital Content]
45 ACP – Digital Content [CCCP20]
[audio:https://thenewlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/45-ACP-Safe-Return-CCCP20_wwUGGkyUXWA_youtube.mp3|titles=45 ACP – Safe Return]
45 ACP – Safe Return [CCCP20]
Also off of Russian Torrent Versions is an Italian artist named Fabio Monesi. He’s just released a new EP called Palladium which includes three no nonsense party jams complete with big basslines and punching acid.