Gruff Rhys – Theme Tune for a National Strike
Follow The Sunflower Trail (Theme Tune for a National Strike) is a B side from Gruff Rhys. It’s a fun track that’s layered with all sorts of electronic sounds to a melody that seems to come more from the 1800’s than 2011. If you like this track, you should also give his 2011 release Hotel Shampoo a listen. It’s one of the coolest albums that I’ve listened too lately. Stand out tracks are: Vitamin K, SPace Dust #2, At The Heart of Love and If We Were Words (We Wound Rhyme). Yes, there are a lot of them.
[audio:https://thenewlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/gruff-rhys.mp3|titles=gruff rhys]gruff rhys – follow the sunflower trail
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