Nova Batida pt.1
Can you superimpose a British (potentially wider than that) version of clubbing & festivals onto a city that really doesn’t party in the same way?
Rather, ‘how successfully can you…”
Well if your DJs all play like Jayda G, then yes, please do go ahead.
Thank you to the press team at Full Fat for recommending her set, which was uplifting, enjoyable & the perfect way to see the night settle in.
I’ve still got some existential ambivalence about the flood of Brits that this festival unleashes on such a beautiful city, which really runs on a different rhythm from the UK…
And I hope there will soon be some well-curated multimedia to share with our loyal reader-listener-viewers…
But if my photos are anything to go by, I will be unable to communicate the high points as effectively as you might wish…
However, there is no denying that there were moments of the Jon Hopkins set that really got everyone going….
Jon Hopkins – Open Eye SignalHowever, I can’t say I felt it was sustained. Am I allowed to express anything other than total admiration for the acts we review? We left Floating Points at the beginning of the night, because it just wasn’t moving us…
And then we had a blast at Village watching & listening to Jayda G…wandering around the bizarre and perfectly-festival-structured double decker buses and shipping containers…
Jayda G – Sound Of Fuca Jayda G – Boiler Room London Studio DJ SetAnd of course we saw JH on the midnight ticket at LX Factory, so dutifully showed up and boogied to his variety of dark and heavy tunes. For this correspondent, you need a bit of psy-, a bit of breakbeat, a little bit of ska-like up-ness that is going to counter the deep, punchy repetitive 4:4 bass line, in order to keep the crowd going.
And that was there at times, but maybe the set was trying to please everyone…as one ought to!
In any case, after a Portuguese wedding tomorrow/today, your dutiful correspondent will return to the fray, gleaning more unique insights into this post-English-summer festival.
And I couldn’t make it to the Mr Scruff set due to other professional obligations, but those who were there (and even those who DJ’d with him) have provided me with some explorations and explanations that I hope to share in due course…