Hello, hilo
John Andersen is hilo (pronounced hee-lo). I swear. He told me himself. Composing electronic music is what hilo is all about. I have a feeling that if Mozart was alive today, he’d put the harpsichord on the shelf and fire up his Macbook Air and start making music like this. Personally, I feel like when I’m listening, hilo becomes the soundtrack to the daily adventures I seem to get myself into. At times minimal, at others, very lush, it’s rather perfect. Have a listen to these selections from the Into the Stream EP, and see if they don’t just sweep you up and put you into a world of your own making. Enjoy.
[audio:https://thenewlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Hilo-Into-The-Stream-05-Greenhouse.mp3|titles=Hilo – Greenhouse ]
Hilo – Greenhouse
[audio:https://thenewlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Hilo-Into-The-Stream-04-Liberation.mp3|titles=Hilo – Liberation]
Hilo – Liberation
[audio:https://thenewlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Hilo-Into-The-Stream-03-Surrounded.mp3|titles=Hilo – Surrounded]
Hilo – Surrounded
[audio:https://thenewlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Hilo-Into-The-Stream-02-JoyStick.mp3|titles=Hilo – JoyStick]
Hilo – JoyStick