The New LoFi

Ten Years

The Weekend Fuzz: Baby Making Smooth Jams

Dim the lights, spark the candles and grab that bottle of Shea butter lotion, this week on the fuzz we’re all about making love. Music has always been about love, but in special cases, vocals and sounds who love each other very much get together and make sweet tender music. These tunes could sooth even the most savage of beasts in to a storm of hormones and reproductive bliss, a full-bodied eargasm that’ll send shivers shooting up the spinal column. Warning, these songs may be safe for work, but once they start playing, YOU might become NSFW.

[audio:|titles=Oliver Tank – Up All Night]
Oliver Tank – Up All Night

Oliver Tank’s most noticeable credit seems to come from a lackluster mash up of Snoop Dog songs, which is unfortunate, because people have missed the actual music that this Sydney-based introvert has made. “Up all Night” is our foreplay track to get you in the mood, so don’t take off your belt just yet.

[audio:|titles=Lovage – Stroker Ace]
Lovage – Stroker Ace

Jennifer Charles coos and twirls her tongue around this voluptuous track from 2001’s Lovage. Dan the Automator is the genius producer behind some of the best music of the 00’s, with credits ranging from the Gorillaz, Deltron 3030 and of course way back to 96 with Doctor Octagon. The ever talented Mike Patton of Faith no More fame provides the backing vocals for “Stroker Ace”, and it’s no surprise that an album called “Music to make love to your old lady by” finds it’s way on to the fuzz today. Charles’ clever kitty wordplay gives me a good naughty chuckle, and there are few voices in the business that sound more like pure sex than hers.

[audio:|titles=Giraffage – Undress U]
Giraffage – Undress U

Giraffage drops a new track in to the blogosphere at least once a month and the result is a collective down-tempo orgasm from the internet. My favorite piece by the young mixmaster is a baby-making delight, “Undress U” practically oozes with sex, and it’s bound to put your partner in the mood for genital to genital magic.

[audio:|titles=Rhye – Open]
Rhye – Open

The feature presentation, it’s Rhye with Open. Perhaps the most blogged about song this year (i’ve counted at least 88 blogs and countless remix ‘attempts’), “Open” is bound to get your blood to the boiling point. Milosh’s breathy vocals are more than sufficient to send you to a sensual climax as the words just float out of his throat. The real highlight is the ambiguity; there’s no explicit language, no obvious sexual references, and no specific gendered material. Mike Milosh even manages to sound somewhere between a husky female and a slender tight-lipped crooner. It’s all very neutral, yet full blown sexy.

[audio:|titles=Beacon – Drive]
Beacon – Drive

On the theme of ambiguity, Brooklyn’s ‘Beacon’, fresh off their first full length album, hit us with a track that’s hard to describe. The beat screams electro neon-nightdrive with mid 80’s influence, yet the vocals tip the scales in a completely different direction. It’s hard to tell if this song about lovemake or heartbreak, but we’ll leave it up to your interpretation. All I know for sure is that the smooth sounds send me swooning for my sweetie, and the passion is purposeful and palpable in this palette-whetting piece.


That brings us to our inevitable climax on this week’s episode of the Fuzz. Mail us in nine months time and we’ll help you with baby names.