The New LoFi

Ten Years

Tune-Yards WHOKILL

Released in April 19th, the second album from tUnE-yArDs, WHOKILL, has been and will continue to be one of the most talked about “indie” albums of the year. After giving this album a first listen, you’ll fall on one of two sides of the conversation; the lOvE side or the hAtE side. And honestly, if you fall on the hAtE side, I won’t fault you for it. I can see how this album can be hard to grasp at first. It doesn’t fall into any specific category and you can’t compare it to anything else.

That said, WHOKILL will come back to you. It might not be right away but it will. This album isn’t going away. It will eventually haunt you day and night. I won’t leave your mind. Then you’ll find yourself reaching for it over and over and over. Each time you listen to it, you’ll hear something you didn’t hear before. You’ll begin to understand that there’s an underlining method to the layers of sirens, clanks, ukuleles, horns, croons, yelps and roars.

Sidenote : I find it really funny that iTunes doesn’t have an info on this band. I can see it already. Fast forward a year and they’ll have a huge, sexy spotlight on them . . . watch and see. Don’t believe me though. Give these songs a listen and make your own mind up. Then buy the album here.

[audio:|titles=tune-yards – bizness]

TuneYards Bizness (official video)

[audio:|titles=tune-yards – gangsta]

TuneYards Gangsta

[audio:|titles=tune-yards – es-so]

TuneYards Es-So